Date(s) - Sat 14 Sep 2024
10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Online workshop for members of the Irish Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy – booking here

The psychosynthesis of Roberto Assagioli (1888-1974) shaped the direction of both ‘humanistic’ and ‘transpersonal’ psychotherapy.

This workshop will offer an experiential introduction to the principles and practice of psychosynthesis via slideshow presentation, discussions, live demonstrations and practicum opportunities.

In particular the workshop will bring a psychosynthesis perspective to navigating the uncertainty, spontaneity and wonder of creative change and transformation. While the creative process cannot be made to happen there are things that can be done to best facilitate it happening.

The particular learning outcomes of which will be:

-An exploration of the therapeutic process as a creative process

-A five-stage model to help notice, validate and work with creative process within any given therapy session

-An appreciation of the importance of experiential work to creative process

-A principial understanding of what makes a psychosynthesis technique a creative technique (and also what makes it not creative)

The material is based on Allan’s forthcoming book ‘The Act of Imagination: Psychosynthesis Psychotherapy & Creative Process’ (Transpersonal Press)

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