Newsletter Sign Up: To stay informed of Wild Imagination events, courses, writing and other work do please sign up to my e-mail newsletter, which I send out every other month. The sign-up box is at the bottom of this page. Needless to say, I won’t be passing along your name or address.
Ask Questions: I’d be more than happy to hear from you with any questions about ‘Waking Dreams’, my on-line course or any of the other content on this site via e-mail: allan@wildimagination.uk
Twitter: I tweet on imagination related topics and what i’m up to @wakingdreams20
Speaking and Teaching Invitations: I really love speaking and teaching events, especially with new audiences and groups. I can adapt my material to fit into various time frames (interview, talk, day event etc.) and themes (image work, creativity, transpersonal psychology, ecotherapy etc). Check out my previous events and videos on this site to see if my content and style might work for you. If your invitation fits my schedule and for some inexplicable reason just feels good, then I’ll usually say yes: allan@wildimagination.uk